Stephanie Russell

Food News Journal: Twitter

Food News Journal (FNJ) does have 1 Twitter account that they have easily accessible from their home page on their web site.

Their Twitter feeds are updated several times a day on a daily basis. The tone of their tweets is fairly transparent. On most occasions you can get the sense that there really is a live person behind the account, making light jokes and truly endorsing interesting and unique people and story links.

FNJ almost always includes links in their tweets.

They currently do not link to staff Twitter accounts. I did a rough search on Twitter for the few writers that contribute to FNJ’s site but came up empty-handed. They do, however, have a link to their emails for private inquiries.

I do think it would be beneficial for them to include staff writers’ Twitter accounts, if available. FNJ has a fairly big following, with a little more than 11,400 followers at the moment. People obviously like the service they provide and would no doubt follow the people behind the scenes, making it happen, in order to get even more interesting information regarding food news.

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